What Causes Acne?

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Acne can be one of the most disfiguring diseases commonly facing adolescents and adults in America. Many acne sufferers find themselves wondering, "Why me?" Even people who wash often, practice good hygiene, and use moisturizers often find themselves victims of this malady. For such people, the causes of acne become a serious concern and major puzzle. Even more important for acne sufferers is finding an effective acne treatment to combat the scourge. A brief look at acne causes and effective acne treatment may help these hapless souls.

What causes breakouts?

The difficulty with acne stems from the variety of acne causes research has found. On the surface, acne consists of many small infections creating lesions on the skin manifesting themselves as whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, etc. Bacteria causes acne, but it isn't that simple. People with apparently similar hygiene regimens will have entirely different degrees of acne. At the root of acne problems is a material called sebum. This material in conjunction with skin oils and dead skin cells causes blockages in the pores which causes acne as we know it. However, the reason that some people have more sebum that others goes even further than that. A variety of reasons can cause excessive sebum levels, but many acne problems are hormonal. Hormones related to menstruation, puberty, and stress have all been linked to causing acne. Likewise, drugs and medications with hormonal components may contribute to causing acne.Read

Causes of adult acne

Adult acne, like all acne, usually stems from hormonal imbalances, but in adults, the problem may be diet or lifestyle related as well. Although many disagree about the relationship or lack thereof of diet on acne, it can't hurt to try and limit greasy or unhealthy eating. Read our articles Foods That Cause Acne and Does Chocolate Cause Acne.

Stress, insofar as it triggers hormones, also causes acne in adults. Short of a full lifestyle change, a simple cleansing and moisturizing kit used religiously often fixes these problems.

For severe acne, consult a physician. Careful consideration of acne causes can help to make doctor visits more effective.

Causes of cystic acne

Cystic acne usually is that severe acne that requires the aid and consultation of a dermatologist. As opposed to common acne, cystic acne causes large cysts in the skin, sometimes several inches across. They are quite painful, but should never be popped as this tends to aggravate the problem. Cystic Acne shares the causes of traditional acne with greater sensitivity. Greasy makeup or cosmetics, washing too often or with harsh cleansers, and genetics all play a role in the creation and continuation of the environment that causes acne. With Cystic acne especially, do not touch, pop, or scratch the affected areas as this may inject fresh bacteria into the wound, prolong the inflammation, and cause scarring.

Effective acne treatment

What is an effective acne treatment? Experts agree that effective acne treatment should involve a gentle cleanser, a moisturizer, and a protective supplement to increase skin health. RevitaClear is just such a system. This effective acne treatment gently cleans the skin while the moisturizer lowers inflammation and a protective cream supports and heals. Called the best cleansing system, RevitaClear is guaranteed to clear up skin and keep it clear when used daily.Read our RevitaClear review.